Welcome to the Crab Lab!

Inspired by field and lab studies of marine invertebrate biology, The Crab Lab is a space for the integrated study of crustacean biology, ecology and behaviour.

At The Crab Lab, we study all things carapaced and clawed! Key issues we are currently investigating include:

  • Fine scale morphological characteristics of sensory apparati and feeding appendages

  • Physiological responses to environmental stress and pollution

  • The role of littoral hermit crab species in rocky intertidal ecosystems

  • Biocenosis of the crustacean carapace and hermit crab shells

  • Cognitive capacities and adaptive decision-making

  • Information processing and decapod sentience

We seek to develop partnerships with and support researchers and students interested in any and all carcinological scholarship.

Follow us on Social Media and check out our blog, From the Field, to learn more about more!

We love CRABS!